Quote Tuesday

Italian red door

Italian red door (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“A beginning is ultimately an invitation to open toward the gifts and growth that are stored up for us. To refuse to begin can be an act of great self-neglect.” ~ John O’Donohue

Typically, there is no commentary on Quote Tuesday, but I thought this a perfect time to relax that rule.

As of late, beginnings are largely on my mind. I mean, who can blame me as 2013 is ending and we are beginning a new year — a clean slate. As human beings, we long for community, love and happiness, but instead of pursuing those, many of us spend an inordinate amount of time dwelling in the past, on our past hurts, missteps and poor judgments. Tonight at 11;59 P.M., we have the chance to let go of the past, once and for all, and as we close that door, another door full of promise is there for the taking. 12:00 A.M. ushers in  a new beginning, an opportunity, if you will, to surrender to the endless possibilities that come with the new year. As always, the choice is yours and yours alone to make. Why not begin the year with self-compassion instead of self-neglect? You, as much as anyone, deserve the love and happiness that you long for, and 2014 may be your ticket to the life that God/Source/Universe, or what have you, intends you to live and enjoy. Go on, open that door to a happy new year!

Warmest hugs and abundant blessings, Lydia

P.S. Have you ever pondered the meaning of a red door? Well, you’ve come to the right place. For answers to your questions and to learn the significance of a red door, check out this blog post.

Unlimited Possibilities

Unlimited Possibilities

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” ~Alexander Graham Bell

The end of one year and the beginning of another, presents us with many doors, some to open and others to close. Each choice leads to different paths. Where might the stairways take you? What adventures are awaiting you? The crucial question to ponder is “which path do you choose?” Go ahead, choosing is the hardest part, but oh, the possibilities are indeed endless.

Blessings and love, Lydia

The Power of Beginnings.

path to el abismo

path to el abismo (Photo credit: nicholaslaughlin)

It seems fitting that at this time of the year, when our thoughts are focused on endings and beginnings, that I should discover this amazing paragraph about the “seduction” of beginnings. In the event that you are facing the new year with trepidation, I trust that this quote serves as encouragement and ushers you on your way towards the abundant blessings that await you.

“There is a certain innocence about beginning, with its excitement and promise of something new. But this will emerge only through undertaking some voyage into the unknown. And no one can foretell what the unknown might yield. There are journeys we have begun that have brought us great inner riches and refinement; but we had to travel through dark valleys of difficulty and suffering. Had we known at the beginning what the journey would demand of us, we might never have set out. Yet the rewards and gifts became vital to who we are. Through the innocence of beginning we are often seduced into growth.” ~ John O’Donohue, “To Bless The Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings.” 

Blessings, Lydia

All will be Well. ~St. Julian of Norwich

Born to be Wild

Born to be Wild
I was born to be wild in black and red — both commanding colors. Now, all that I need is a motorcycle to go along with that black leather coat.
Blessings, Lydia