A Thought For Your 2020

Made by Lydia Kimble-Wright with Over App

May the New Year bring you joy, good health, happiness, love, good health, peace of mind, body and spirit, and abundant blessings.

My Top Ten Thanksgiving Gratitudes

I am still getting over the fact that another year is coming to a close, but the recent Thanksgiving Day observance confirms that I am not dreaming. I try to plant gratitude seeds every day, but this is the official season for a gratitude post. So, this is my top 10 gratitude list from Thanksgiving Day:

  1. My five senses, so that I could see the beautiful faces of my loves as we gathered together, hear the cacophony of children laughing, football games on the television, silverware colliding with plates as the ravenous group savored the first bites of dinner, and snippets of conversation, touch the warm hands holding mine as I said grace, smell the marriage of the various dishes as they cooked, and speak the pre-feast prayer of gratitude to God for past, present and future blessings.
  2. The crackling sound and dancing flames of the fireplace as they warm our body and soul.
  3. Family and friends, those present, far away, and no longer with us.
  4. The fact that I am surrounded by loved one, and have food to eat, and a warm gathering place in which to enjoy the day.
  5. The present moment and belief that all is as it should be.
  6. The face of my beautiful mother cooking beside me when so many feel the loss of theirs.
  7. Watching the treasured and familiar “It’s A Wonderful Life” which serves as a reminder that we positively affect more lives than we know.
  8. The laughter that ensued as everyone shared their favorite scenes from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. (If you haven’t seen this hysterical movie, it is a Christmas must-see.)
  9. At the end of the day, the feast put away, not a dirty dish in sight, and I did not have to lift one hand to make it happen.
  10. . After all is said and done, the feeling of accomplishment and love for another successful holiday gathering.

There you have it. My Top 10 gratitude list. What about you? What’s on your “gratitude” list?
