An Open Letter To My Daughter On Her First Date – by Scott Dannemiller

Yes, I am a sucker for stories like this one. Perhaps, it is because my father left when I was five, and stories like this exemplifies the qualities of a real father. His love for his daughter will ensure that she enters adulthood with strength, confidence and high self-esteem, and that is the beauty of love.

Blessings, lydiaw

Kindness Blog

Scott DannemillerDear daughter of mine.  You reached a milestone tonight.

Your first date.

Every dad dreads this day.  And, I must admit, I am very much like every dad.  So, to ease the sting of the first date and assure you were treated like a queen, I took matters into my own hands.

I asked you out.

The good news is you enthusiastically accepted.  No doubt my probability of success was buoyed by the fact that you believe I am a superhero, capable of throwing your giggling, 36-pound body into the air to unspeakable heights, and catching you again before you konk your head on our food-splattered wood floors.

And who wouldn’t want to date a superhero?

Don’t get me wrong.  I am certainly not naïve enough to think that my doorstep will never feel the heavy boots of a poorly dressed, angst-ridden, mouth-breather intent on breaking curfew with my little…

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