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About Me

Dream In Color by LKW

Dream In Color by LKW

“If I help, inspire or entertain ONE person today, I’ve done great work. And I’ll do it again, tomorrow.” ~ Alexandra Franzen

Hello Friend and welcome to my blog “Seeking Querencia.” I feel honored that you found me amidst the thousands of beautiful, popular and trendy blogs, of which I am not a member. Nevertheless, I welcome you here and hope to make you feel at home, if only for a while. “Seeking Querencia” is a personal journey blog that sells no goods or services. If my blogging classes are correct, that makes little ole me the brand for this blog. If your interest is piqued, please keep reading.

My name is Lydia Marie Wright, and I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. I love to think that the uniqueness of the city, inspired me to seek my own uniqueness. I am an attorney and I live with my wonderful husband and mother outside of Austin, in the Texas Hill Country. I have 3 grown children, along with 4 g’daughters and 3 g’sons, with another g’child on the way. Our non-human family includes two temperamental cats, and one fish named Dude.

I was a very young mother–3 children by the age of 21. In 1981, I moved to Houston, Texas. I attended undergrad full-time at night, while working full-time during the day at an oil and gas exploration company. After 4 years, I graduated summa cum laude with a B.S. degree in General Studies. I was the first college graduate in my immediate family. I applied to law schools and choose to attend the University of Texas in Austin. I graduated in 1991 and soon, began working as a trial attorney practicing civil rights defense for the State of Texas. Except for a brief stint in another position, I remained with the State until my health forced me to resign in early 2004.

Until then, my life never left me any opportunity for self-inquiry. Growing up poor, left an indelible mark upon me to succeed at all costs–so, I did. Stopping was not an option, so I didn’t. I kept up the insane, crazy, out-of-control pace: working the stressful life of a trial attorney. Just as I ignored my inner thoughts, I ignored my body and its’ pleas to stop the madness. It was many years later before my body wouldn’t take no for an answer and stopped me in my tracks. I had no choice but to listen.

Over the years, I’ve held many roles, namely, mother, wife, daughter, sister, g’mom, attorney, friend and countless others. In addition to the many hats that I wear, I have chronic pain due to both fibromyalgia and migraines. Although this blog is not about my health issues per se, given their huge impact on my life, denying them is akin to denying my skin or eye color. Besides, there is no doubt that they, like every other challenge that I have met and conquered in life, have no small part in forming the woman who I am today.

This blog is a personal memoir and journey blog that serves as a repository for some of my thoughts, ideas, musings, curiosities, favorite quotes and poems and anything that adds to the portrait of me. It is but a small part of my journey-another avenue for me to write my feelings, lessons and achievements so that I may come to know myself in a deeper, authentic and more spiritual way. In doing so, perhaps I will help others along the way. Life is about connections and I hope that Seeking Querencia becomes a meeting place for like-minded people to connection with others in a relaxing and non-judgmental way.

If you are intrigued by what you’ve read, please join me by subscribing to my RSS feed here. Alternatively, you are welcome to subscribe to the blog by email and receive all updates in your email box.

You can also follow me here on Twitter. I’d also love to see you and would appreciate if you like my Facebook Page here. I am also on Instagram and Flckr.

I welcome your thoughts, comments and questions and would love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to email me at seekingquerencia(at)gmail(dot)com.

Warm blessings and thanks, Lydia

21 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Wow Lydia – you have gone through a lot – I admire you enduring through hardships and 3 kids by age 21 !! But you did well and I do wish you all the best with your illness – don’t let it get you down !! Hope this blog inspires you to keep going !!


    • Ilze, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your kindness and encouragement. I have gained inspiration from you and all of the other people that I have encountered through BYW. Writing heals–I try to keep that in mind. Blessings, lydia


    • Dear Shelly,

      Thank you for both taking the time to read my page and your comment about. I hoped that through that page, I was introducing the reader to a more in depth picture of me. When I began writing, it just flowed.

      I appreciate you and look forward to reading more of your blog. It makes me want to knit or crochet. 🙂

      Blessings, Lydia


    • Dear Beth, Funny, but I feel the same way about you. Thank you for reading and commenting on my page. I just hoped that it gives the reader some insight into who I am and nudges them to read more. Your comments came on a day when I wasn’t feeling so strong and brave. Thank you for reminding me.

      I’ll see you on your blog.

      Blessings, Lydia


  2. You have a beautiful life story! You are strong and brave! I look forward to read more of you and coming with you on this journey to healing, the illness is not you. It is only a little path of your life, that you go close by with this things, if it’s time and you are ready, you can let them go and go out with lots of new experience.
    Stronger and braver that you already are! Softer and more loving that you can imagine now!
    All the best wishes


  3. What an inspirational woman, I loved your story and learning the authentic you on your journey. Sometimes when we are so caught up with life and proving ourselves that we don’t listen to the messages that God/Angels send us until it is to late and then we have no choice but to be still and listen and endure the healing that is happening within the body. Sending you love and healing for your body and enjoy your time resting and relaxing surrounded by flowers, wind chimes, water and the magic all around.

    In love and light.


    • As It happens, I’ve been awake since 4:30am, (I don’t know why.) and I am sitting in my bed watching the sunrise. Your comment to my blog post makes this moment ever more special. I often forget that my words, my story can positively impact others. Thank you for reminding me and being a part of this new day. Have a beautiful day and I hope to see you back again. Blessings.


  4. Hi there – Lydia
    First time here to your blog. What a beautiful and candid About. I hope your personal journey thus far has been a rich one. More importantly, I hope you are well. It’s an amazing life you’ve lead so far – and a brave one at that. I hope writing and journaling has helped plant your feet solidly onto your current life path.
    Sounds like you have a wonderful, extended family too – a beautiful thing.


    • Dear AnnMarie,

      Marie is my middle name, so I like your name. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I appreciate it so much because I know that there are so many blogs out there and I am blessed that you’d take the time to visit mine and read about me.

      There is so much in your comment that I felt compelled to respond to. There are two things that I can say about my journey thus far. It was never boring and it provided me enough fodder for growth (you know, learning from your mistakes.). You are so right, it has been rich. It’s funny how we tend to overlook those things that others see so readily. Fibromyalgia still plays a huge part in my life but I am coming to see it as one more opportunity for growth. It has taken me some time to get there because I was so angry that I couldn’t practice law and that such a thing could change my life so completely. Like everyone else, there are family issues, but overall, I am blessed to have them all in my life.

      Writing and Journaling. I can’t say enough about them. Along with meditation, they are the glue that keeps me together and helps me on my journey forward. I can’t imagine not doing any of them.

      I suspect that your story is as interesting as mine. May you know peace, good health and happiness. I look forward to seeing you again.

      Blessings, Lydia


      • Hi there Lydia –
        I have a close friend who deals with Fibromyalgia too. It certainly isn’t easy. But you sound like an amazingly well-grounded woman and many could learn from you. I’m happy you’ve found writing and journaling positive outlets – as these crafts help us express that which we cannot sometimes simply say out loud.
        I’m sure we’ll see each other around. And my story is not half as interesting as yours – quite boring in fact. All my sisters (3) have the name Marie in the middle… nice meeting you 🙂
        Have a fabulous weekend 🙂


  5. Loved your story – you have faced and triumphed a lot of mountains. This chapter sounds like you are at peace and very grounded. This world of art is very comforting and healing. Cheers!


    • Thank you for your kind words. Yes, lots of mountains, but I am still walking towards peace and this blog and art is helping me accomplish that journey. I am delighted that you are here and would love to see you again. Blessings and peace, lydia.


  6. Hi Lydia,
    It is nice to be able to get to know you on another level (we are fellow Bloomers). I have had a similar path. I didn’t really wake up to the fact that I was living everyone else’s life, with no idea of my own truth, until I was near 50 and went through a 25-year marriage breakup. Then continually worsening health problems. Now, I can honestly say the my journey has been perfect. I so agree that writing is therapeutic! My blog and journaling have been a huge part in the healing process. I am honored to be a part of your journey.


    • This comment has been lost in the internet stratosphere, so I am sorry for the delayed reply.

      Hello, fellow Bloomer! I, too, am honored to have you here.

      You are so right that writing has a healing quality. I find that it heals the body, mind, and soul. Although I still have fibromyalgia, writing keeps me from dwelling on it. I journal also. (I actually have designated a good friend to gather my stacks of journals and to destroy them in the event of my demise. They are such intimate parts of me.) Anyway, my journey is still quite rocky, but I know that is simply a part of life that I must travel. Nevertheless, I am glad that you’ve journeyed to a great place and hope that it includes triumph over your health issues.

      I have gone to your blog and I love it. I am now following your wise and wonderful words. I look forward to getting to know and befriend you.

      Blessings, lydia

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I have been reading up on Coram deo,latin for in tje presence of God and I must say coming across your block has helped me make a lot sense of my own space.
    I love the wuote about bull dofhting,,,it put a lot into perspective,,,I am on my own journey of self inquiry…thanks a lot


    • I am grateful for you appreciation of my blog. I, too, am on a journey. and it is always good to learn about others. I hope that your journey leads you to your own querencia. I hope to see you here again soon. Blessings., Lydia


    • Thanks for your comments, and for reading my post. I am glad that you liked the post. I appreciate your comment about my strength and perseverance, although at times, it seems fleeting. However, that is life, isn’t it? Moreover, that is how we grow. Have a great day and be safe. Blessings and 🙏🏽, lydia


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