Throwback Sunday


Over five years ago, I began this blog without a single follower. It was after a period of aching to start a blog that I “accidentally” pressed the publish button and the rest is history. At the time, I had a few followers. It wasn’t important to me because at the deepest level, I wrote for me. At various times over the years, I’ve vacillated between desiring to attract lots of followers and being grateful for those that I have already. Currently, I am practicing gratitude for what I have in the current moment. The rest is unimportant.

I’ve written a number of blog posts, some that I liked more than others. Recently, I was reading earlier posts and realized that many have as much relevance today, as they held the day that I published them. So, I’ve decided to repost some of them a couple of times a month, with editing and additional language, as needed. I hope that one or two of them strike a chord with you. This was my first blog post.


Okay, I admit it. I don’t know what a “jump break” is and my chosen blog page layout is wrong and I do not know how to fix it. Yet, I am beginning to sense a lesson here–NONE OF THIS CRAP MATTERS! I intend this blog to complement my inner journey towards “letting go of the small stuff,” in favor of delving inward deeper in order to create a deeper relationship with myself. It is a place to pose questions that have no answers, but also to laugh, wax eloquent, be a meeting place, and most importantly, to have fun. It’s the journey, not the outcome that I am most interested in.

All that matters to me is getting these words posted, and if that be on a less than perfect blog, so be it.  I have a great deal to learn about the matters of blogging and I am confident that I will do so as time goes by. For now, I know that I can hunt and peck this my first ever real post. I realize now that I do not need to be an expert blogger to do that–just little ole me, and that is more than enough.  The rest is small stuff.  Blessings, Peace, and Namaste, Lydia